Tuesday 10 March 2009

A Concert Experience I Won't Forget!

How's everybody? How're the wife and kids? Good? Anyways, update! I finished one of my vid already but I'm not posting it til my sister gets back from school. I must say, I am very happy with this vid. While waiting for my sis to get back, I would like to share with you something.

First, I recently went on the internet and found out that Demi Lovato already shot (not the gun type) her next music video, which is Don't Forget. Photos are now on the internet. Here are some of the many photos......

All I can say about these photos is............I SO BLOODY FLIPPING CHEESEBURGER ON A GREASY GRILL IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE CAN'T WAIT FOR THE MUSIC VIDEO!!! I love her new look, she looks very different. This is one of my favourite songs on her album. I'm glad they're finally doing a music video. If you haven't heard of Don't Forget, you should. Unfortunately, I don't know the exact date as to when the music video will air. Rumour has it, the music video will be out somewhere late March or early April. Fingers crossed!

Secondly, I was in kl last weekend for a wedding and I found out that the Jonas Brothers 3D movie was playing in cinemas. Unfortunately, there are only 3 venues for the movie in GSC; Pavillion, Mid Valley and OU. So, I went to OU on Sunday with my sisters, my lil bro and my cousin to catch the 3.15 p.m. show. The only one enthusiastic about going was me and my sister. The others just tag along 'cause they got nothing better to do. I'm not a crazy fan of the Jobros, I was waiting for Demi to perform. Sadly, she only appeared once in the show. But the whole movie was good. The funniest thing that happened in the cinema was when Demi came out to perform This is Me, I actually screamed her name like as though I was at the concert. Luckily the ppl behind me decided to join in. *SPOILER ALERT* The shirtless scene in the movie was funny 'cause each of us had the same reaction but different way of saying it.

Sarah: Eeeeww, GROSS!!

Rafiq: Eeeee, yuck!!

Iman: Oi Vei *covers eyes*

Me: Oh MAN! (in a disgusted way)

Yusoff: WHOA!!!!!!

I love the ending 'cause it showed the Jobros in a cinema watching the movie. They were facing us and this is how the conversation went. The conversation's not exact but somewhat like this...

Kevin: Wow. That was cool.

Joe: Let's watch it again!

Nick: These 3D movies are so cool. It feels like I can almost touch the audience. *starts poking the screen*

Kevin: Do we have anymore popcorn? Hey big Rob, is there any popcorn left?

Big Rob: *shows Kevin a huge empty pail* No.

Kevin: It's ok. Hey you! *points to the audience* Yeah, I see you there. You in the red shirt. Can I have some of your popcorn?

The best part about that is that I was wearing a red shirt and holding popcorn. Unfortunately, it was empty. My cousin kept going 'HANNAH! Kevin wants some popcorn!'

Lastly, results are coming out soon! I'm not nervous 'cause I'm confident that I did my test very well. But not too confident. For those of you who are taking their results, don't be nervous and don't be too confident! What's done is done!

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